Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Men and Movies


I have spent three days with my good friend, a hopeless romantic (her blog) and she has rubbed off on me, just a bit. :)   The flowers represent us (she is the complicated yet gorgeous orange one).

So on with probably the one and only romantic post on my blog. . .

Amazingly enough, I never stumble across hunks.  I never have embarrassing mishaps or goofy stories, except when I'm with my sappy girlfriend mentioned above.  Every time with -with but one exception- Miss Romance, I find myself watching movies like;

Princess Bride
Yes, this is the mushiest part.  And yep, we watch it over and over.
He's Hispanic!

Phantom of the Opera
It does have a bit of a marshmallow problem...

Any Jane Austen book in movie!

Pride and Prejudice
This, and occasionally the 6hr. version.
Sense and Sensibility
We both agree Colonel Brandon.
Indian Jones
Miss Romantic: He is sooo handsome!  Me: He's smart and strong!

Oh and we watch cartoons turned motion picture.
Batman is the best!

If you were to be daring and click on the link about my friend, you would read countless stories about her run ins and dealings with, in her words "stud muffins."  I never have the good fortune of a casual fake-a-faint-into-his-arms moment.

My one exception is once at work (Guest Relations, at an amusement park), there was a whole school of Catholic boys that came. They all had matching sweater vests!  I admit, all I did was talk to their group leader (probably a 60+ yr. old priest) about policies and prices, then watch from my work station until they were out of sight.  Here is my vent on sweater vests.

Just a little too preppy

This is the kind of vest I'm talking about!

This is probably the only kind I will see. 
Well life is going back to normal now, and I'm wondering if I should even post this blog.  It might be just too out there.  Although looking back through, my favorite are the rugged, smart, handsome, and buff guys!  Are they out there?  Oh yes!  And in fact I know one!

Me and my daddy!
Too bad my mom already got him!

Men and movies,


  1. Pride and Prejudice! Seriously... I freakin' love that movie!

  2. Love to see girls loving their daddies.
